Automatic carrot peeler
Omelet wrote:
> I just never saw the point in peeling them other than aesthetics. The
> ones I get in the store, the "peel" is already pretty clean and it's not
> like it's hard or anything. After I steam them, there is not really a
> notable "peel" at all.
> She could save herself a lot of effort just buying "baby" carrots that
> are already well peeled.
I could swear I can taste a difference between a well-scrubbed carrot
and a peeled one. Maybe I need to do a side-by-side blind taste
comparison. Or maybe I need to scrub better. Either way, scrubbed
carrots taste earthy to me. Peeled ones are sweeter by comparison.
The trouble with so-called baby carrots for the original poster's mother
is that she needs 20 pounds of them a week. That's expensive.