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Jean B.[_1_] Jean B.[_1_] is offline
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Posts: 11,612
Default PING: Gloria P, REC: Garlic Cheese Grits Casserole

Wayne Boatwright wrote:
> On Fri 05 Sep 2008 04:56:30p, Saerah Gray told us...
>> Wayne Boatwright > fnord
>> 5.247:
>>> Garlic Cheese Grits Casserole
>>> 1 cup stone-ground grits
>>> 2 cups water
>>> ½ teaspoon salt
>>> ¼ teaspoon black pepper
>>> ½ cup chopped onion
>>> ½ cup whole milk
>>> 1 egg
>>> 1 6 oz. roll Kraft garlic cheese
>>> Place the grits in a bowl and cover with water, stir. Skim off the
>>> chaff that rises to the top. Stir and skim again. Allow to stand for
>>> 5 minutes. Drain well.
>>> Bring 2 cups of water to a boil in a saucepan. Stir in grits, salt, e
>>> \pepper, and onion. Reduce heat to low, and cook covered 25 minutes,
>>> stirring occasionally, until grits are thickened an creamy.
>>> Remove from heat. Combine milk and egg with the hot grits mixture
>>> using a wire whisk. Add cheese and stir well until cheese is melted.
>>> Spoon into a 1-½ quart baking dish coated with cooking spray. Bake
>>> at 375° for 45 minutes or until set.
>>> Yield 6 servings.
>>> Note: If you cannot find the Kraft garlic cheese, use 6 oz. of mild
>>> or medium cheddar and 1 clove of garlic, finely minced or put through
>>> a garlic press. Add garlic when adding onion to the grits.

>> I use the recipe from the second-to-last (I think) edition of JoC. It's
>> similar to Wayne's, but has cayenne, and does not call for processed
>> cheese.

> Saerah, I sometimes make one of three additions myself, either cayenne,
> chopped green chilies, or a chopped jalapeño. Lately I haven't been able
> to find the Kraft cheese specified in the recipe, so use non-processed
> cheddar and a clove of garlic, as noted at the end.
>> cheese+grits= good, pretty much no matter how you make it

> I agree!

Okay, no answer necessary.

Jean B.