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Omelet[_7_] Omelet[_7_] is offline
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Default Here's a new one on me

In article >,
"Default User" > wrote:

> I sliced open the last one of a batch of tomatoes I got a couple weeks
> ago at the produce place. Inside the little pockets were slender white
> things about 1/2 inch long or so. I thought, "Ugh, worms!"
> However, they weren't moving. I poked at them and they were crisp like
> beans sprouts. I pulled one out and there was a tomato seed at the end.
> The seeds had sprouted inside the tomato.
> In all the many years of eating tomatoes, I'd never seen the like. I
> could understand if it was an old rotten one, but this was perfectly
> good otherwise.
> Brian

I've seen that. :-)

Count your lucky stars they were stored at the proper temperature.

It's only been recently (thanks to this list!) that I've learned to not
refrigerate tomatoes. I now keep them in a basket by the stove.

Y'all were right, as usual!
Peace! Om

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