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Wayne Boatwright Wayne Boatwright is offline
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Default Food Regrets (just for fun)

On Sun 07 Sep 2008 01:46:56p, Omelet told us...

> I still have a passion for the smell of cedar! One of these days I want
> to cedar line the closets. Plus it prevents moths.

Yes, it will prevent both moths and silverfish. Good stuff, cedar!

> I've read of similar issues with Ouzo. <g>

I've heard that, too. Oh well! :-)

> I generally tend to dilute anything that has a high proof!
> Plus, like you, I like mixed drinks, altho' I will sometimes sip whisky,
> brandy or tequila in small amounts from a snifter.

Only if something is above 100 proof do I feel compelled to dilute it with
something. I like a good sipping whisky, but also certain liqueurs like
Drambuie, B&B, both green and yellow Chartreuse, things like that.

>> I'm not sure I'd ahve the nerve to try that! :-)

> <eg>
> Been years for me, but it was good.
> I don't like the fact that it lasts 12 to 14 hours tho'.

Indeed! ;-)

Wayne Boatwright

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