Go ahead and flame me...
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Another Wise Guy - Macon, GA USA
Posts: n/a
Go ahead and flame me...
>I generally avoid trading comments with anyone who knowingly
>brings a foreign viewpoint to this specifically oriented newsgroup.
>And I'll probably be sorry for it this time.
I would hope not. I can see that this newsgroup has developed a
culture of personal attacks and rudeness instaed of having polite
disagreements, but I have no intention of participating in any of
that, and anyone who does gets exactly one chance before being
It surprised me when I found that ribs from a pressure cooker are
slightly better than ribs from a BBQ, especially after I determined
that a brisket from a pressure cooker is very much inferior to a
brisket from a BBQ.
| Just Another Internet Wise Guy Macon, GA USA |
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