Help--freezing pesto
sometime in the recent past Gloria P posted this:
> O ye gurus of the pantry:
> My basil has finally reached the plentiful stage after three days of
> unseasonal heavy rain a couple of weekends ago.
> We can only eat so much caprese salad so I'd like to make pesto with
> some of the bounty and freeze it.
> Do I just process the leaves in olive oil and freeze, then add the
> cheese, garlic and pine nuts before serving?
> Reminder to self: find those ice cube trays!
> Thanks in advance for any help and advice.
> gloria p
We mix it all together and then put it into 8 oz. Ball jars and freeze. Jars
freeze, basil stays green and the jars have never broken. For myself, I see
no point in making something only half-way and then finishing it when I want
to use it. When I want to use it, I may not have the rest of the ingredients
to finish it with, but that's just me. I've seen several people mention, as
you did, adding the cheese, nuts & garlic later, but don't see why.
Otherwise, you have only frozen basil & oil and not pesto as I like it.
Good luck either way ;-)
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