It's official. I'm crossing party lines.
On Sun, 07 Sep 2008 16:25:17 -0600, Gloria P wrote:
> blake murphy wrote:
>> On Sun, 7 Sep 2008 04:50:37 -0700, Bob Terwilliger wrote:
>>> Paul wrote:
>>>> They have proposed releasing oil from the Strategtic Reserve, shot down by
>>>> the republicans.
>>> Much as I despise GWB and think he's an idiot and a tool, I have to agree
>>> with him on this one. The Strategic Reserve exists to deal with a critical
>>> shortage of oil, not as a mechanism for lowering oil prices.
>>> Bob
>> i think you're right about this. the oil should be left there for
>> something *really* catastrophic, not political diddling.
>> blake
> Do you think it's possible that we'll still have our "strategic oil"
> supply when the rest of the world has run out of oil and has invented a
> new energy source (which we WON'T have because we've got those huge oil
> tanks full--what, a month's supply?--so we don't need no stinkin'
> alternative.) We'll have the last oil in the world when no one else is
> using oil because they're onto something better.
> Oil is a finite resource and NOT finding something to replace it is
> what's catastrophic.
> gloria p
i agree, we need a different energy source for autos and the like. but
petroleum is damned useful stuff for other things, and it might be nice to
still be sitting on some fifty years from now.
your pal,