It's official. I'm crossing party lines.
Gloria P wrote:
> blake murphy wrote:
> > On Sun, 7 Sep 2008 04:50:37 -0700, Bob Terwilliger wrote:
> >
> >> Paul wrote:
> >>
> >>> They have proposed releasing oil from the Strategtic Reserve, shot
down by
> >>> the republicans.
> >> Much as I despise GWB and think he's an idiot and a tool, I have to
> >> with him on this one. The Strategic Reserve exists to deal with a
> >> shortage of oil, not as a mechanism for lowering oil prices.
> >>
> >> Bob
> >
> > i think you're right about this. the oil should be left there for
> > something *really* catastrophic, not political diddling.
> >
> > blake
> Do you think it's possible that we'll still have our "strategic oil"
> supply when the rest of the world has run out of oil and has invented a
> new energy source (which we WON'T have because we've got those huge oil
> tanks full--what, a month's supply?--so we don't need no stinkin'
> alternative.) We'll have the last oil in the world when no one else is
> using oil because they're onto something better.
Nope...we have TONS of oil and other petro/fossil fuel resources, Gloria...
Canada and the US Rocky Mt.-Northern Plains states alone have GIGANTOR
amounts of oil in the amout of oil shale reserves; these reserves dwarf
Saudi Arabia' live in Colorado, surely you know this.
The Los Angeles Basin sits on IIRC the biggest petro deposit in the US...
Heck, the US state of Illannoy ALONE has enough coal reserves to provide ALL
the projected energy needs of the US for the next ___500___ years...and
Illannnoy is only the *third* - largest coal - producing state in the
US....and the technology to cleanly extract this energy will be developed,
just you watch.
> Oil is a finite resource and NOT finding something to replace it is
> what's catastrophic.
Not at all, Gloria...human ingenuity combined with the capitalist *profit*
motive is going to usher in a whole new Golden Age as regards energy
production...and this will translate into a *much* higher standard of living
for all. In a half - century poverty may even be eliminated...
You guys who are doing the Chicken L'il act as regards petro energy are
analagous to the peeps who in the 19th century projected the end of
civilisation by 1900 because all the burnable wood in the would be
The "lights" are *not* going to go out...we are on the threshold of a
splendid new age in human history...I only wish I could be alive to see it.