Phred wrote:
> In article >, "kilikini"
> > wrote:
>>Phred wrote:
>>> G'day Kili,
>>> Do you have a more generic description of those "graham crackers
>>> crumbs", please? I'm just wondering what a suitable substitute for
>>> them might be here in Oz.
>>> Incidentally, I'm always intrigued to see how often peanut butter
>>> crops up in the recipes you yanks use. Is this some sort of lasting
>>> tribute to the late Elvis? (Oh... I forgot. He's still with us!
>>> ;-)
>>> Cheers, Phred.
>>I'm surprised that you can't find graham crackers in Australia. In
> In truth I don't know if they're available here or not. I haven't
> looked for them; but I certainly have never noticed them in the local
> supermarkets either.
>>case, here's a Wikipedia article on graham crackers that describes
>>them fairly well.
> Thanks for that Kili. As I suspected, they're a plain sweet biscuit.
> The word "crackers" threw me. Here, all the "crackers" I know are
> brittle salty things, mostly served with alcoholic beverages and often
> topped with things like cheese, onion, pickled stuff, and similar.
> As I rather suspected, it sounds like our plain shortbread biscuits
> may be an acceptable substitute in this case.
> Cheers, Phred.
I've heard that "digestive biscuits" may be substituted for Graham
crackers. Are there any r.f.c-ers out there who have had both and can
say whether this is a good substitute or not?
Chatty Cathy
There is no such thing as a little garlic. ~A. Baer