Jack Sloan typed:
> "Miles" > wrote in message
> news
>> Another Wise Guy - Macon, GA USA wrote:
>>> I would hope not. I can see that this newsgroup has developed a
>>> culture of personal attacks and rudeness instaed of having polite
>>> disagreements, but I have no intention of participating in any of
>>> that, and anyone who does gets exactly one chance before being
>>> killfiled.
>> LOL! Wecome to this NG. It's not always about the best way to cook a
>> piece of meat. In this NG it's more about tradition. Deviate from that
>> and you get what you have! That said, I haven't had any ribs better
>> than bbq'd. I've had boiled then grilled, pressure cooked etc. Some
>> were fairly decent but not as good as bbq'd. If I do not have time to
>> bbq I buy meats that are very tender and do not benifit from slow
>> cooking much. Trouble is, those cuts cost more. Now join the purists
>> club and do things their way or get flamed!! By the number of replies
>> you got to this thread they love this stuff anyways. Easily amused!
> All is not lost...He can talk with Miles.
> Jack
Yes, now that Miles/milesh has escaped from his captors. (