newb question
"Michael "Dog3"" wrote
> "tvor"
>> stupid question about the ice-cube trays, but, once you use them for
>> freezing stock, does this flavor "stain" the trays or can you still
>> use them to make ice cubes?
> I don't know for sure. I bought 6 or 7 ice cube trays for $1 each at the
> local dollar store and use them exclusively for freezing stock. I make a
> lot of stock and generally have a lot of it on hand. I'm guessing the
Same thoughts here and though I have only 3 trays of 'stock cubes', it never
occured to me to use them for ice. They are ones that cracked or whatever
so not all compartments can be used.
Mostly I use ziplock style samwich bags with 3/4 cup at a time (suits our
needs well as I seem to always need that much or twice it). Like another
here, I just freeze those flat then stack'em. The cubes, are a signal that
they are 'pet healthy' (IE: no onion or salt etc added to upset them). I
always dip some out for them now then add the spicing to the rest for us
which goes in 'baggies'. Some stocks i start right from the beginning with
onions etc and so I have a system.
Cubes= pet stock. Also, writing 'pet' with a permanent marker on the baggie
means safe for them.
If it helps, I've never had a cat develop cystitis or any sort of bladder or
kidney problem and i've had cats since 1983. As many as 4 cats at the same
time. I chock that up to enticing them to drink lot and lots of good stock
and broth, made in a way that is healthy for them. We laughingly call some
of them 'chick-cikels' (semi-frozen chicken stock on a hot day, cats LOVE
it!). Just be careful to not salt it at all. Pets are less salt tolerant
than we are.