It's official. I'm crossing party lines.
On Wed, 10 Sep 2008 19:50:36 -0700, Pan wrote:
> On Tue, 09 Sep 2008 17:12:18 GMT, blake murphy
> > wrote:
>>> Yes Michelle worked for her money. And she got a promotion and a 160%
>>> raise, when Obama, became a U.S. senator. And her company just happen
>>> to get an earmark the next year.
>>> He is the standard Chicago politician.
>>and cindy had a rich father. worked her ass off for that.
> You don't see a difference?
> Her daddy worked his ass off earning, and he left it to Cindy.
> Michelle gets a 160% raise from health corporation, when her husband
> became senator.
> And the health corporation, get a government grant the next year.
> One is hard work, the other is tax money, and Chicago politics.
yes i see a difference, you imbecile. michelle *worked at a job*, and
apparently was damned good at it. cindy did jack shit.