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Nancy Young Nancy Young is offline
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Posts: 5,762
Default 7 years ago today

"Dimitri" > wrote

> Me, I had flown in to Newark airport the night before with a business
> associate. Flying in to the airport I had pointed out the twin towers
> which were just above the cloud cover. and was telling her about the
> Windows to the World restaurant on the top floor.
> I had turned on the Today show in my room while the speculation was going
> on as to what type of plane had hit the first tower not understanding the
> situation as it was unfolding.
> We were staying at the Radisson in Paramus New Jersey and had arranged to
> meet for Breakfast in the morning.
> As I walked through the Bar to get to the restaurant there was a giant
> screen TV. Several men were standing around discussing the event. At the
> moment I looked at the giant screen, much to the horror of everyone
> standing there, the second plane hit. A man said "Holy F*** We're being
> attacked".
> As they say the rest is history.
> And you?

I had the tv on and I saw footage of the first plane hitting the WTC.
Ron happened to be on vacation and I leaned out the window to
tell him, and I can still see him look up at the clear blue sky as if
to say How could a pilot manage to hit a skyscraper today?

Then what seemed like seconds later, I leaned out the window to
say Another plane hit, the other tower. Oh.

I know what my brother was doing that day, too. Going to a
meeting in the WTC. As he was walking up Broadway, suddenly
a mass of dirt covered people came running around the corner.
He turned and ran.

I have many memories of the WTC. When I was a kid my Dad
would take us by the construction site just to see it, I was
amazed/terrified at the thought of the cranes up so high. Later,
the place wasn't actually finished though there were many
tenants, I worked in the skyscraper across the street. Sometimes
a couple of us would go over there and have lunch.

The, Just like that, it was gone. Glad my Dad wasn't here
to see that.
