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flitterbit flitterbit is offline
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Posts: 428
Default Miracle fruit! What a blast!

blake murphy wrote:
> On Wed, 10 Sep 2008 16:07:22 -0400, flitterbit wrote:
>> Sky wrote:
>>> Sarah wrote:
>>>> Finally got my delivery of freeze dried miracle fruit. Once you roll a small
>>>> amount around your mouth (behave Sheldon!) everything you eat for the next
>>>> hour tastes sweet! Lemon juice? tasted like sweet lemonade, tomatoes? almost
>>>> like eating a plum, except for the juicy pop! I'm assured even vinegar
>>>> tastes good. Shiraz tasted like a strong fruit punch, which is okay if you
>>>> don't like shiraz, but wears thin after the first few sips if you enjoy
>>>> shiraz! Ketchup is disgusting, and sugar tastes like grit.
>>>> It would make a good party piece, or disguise a terrible meal, but that's
>>>> about it, after initial amazement. The effect lasts a couple of hours, so
>>>> could ruin a dinner party, if you gave it before the meal! (Or save it if
>>>> things went wrong!)
>>>> Sarah
>>>> (Raiding store cupboards to try new tastes!)
>>> I've heard about this 'fruit' - but I also heard/read that it's quite
>>> expensive?? Was it worth it?
>>> Sky, who's ever curious
>> >

>> Here's a link to the Wikipedia article on it; interesting stuff!
>> One website I looked at charges 14.99 pounds for 10 portions:

> how bizarre! but i'm not sure why you would want to produce such an
> effect.
> i think i'd prefer good old-fashioned l.s.d. to 'flavor tripping.'
> your pal,
> blake

I'm not sure I'd want to do this either, but apparently some folks use
it as a weight-loss aid by enhancing the sweet taste of things that
aren't particularly sweet. Whatever floats a boat, I guess I wonder
if there are any deleterious effects on one's taste receptors if this is
done a lot over a relatively long period of time?