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Default 7 years ago today

On Sep 11, 1:26*pm, ChattyCathy > wrote:
> Dimitri wrote:
> > I'll bet you remember what you were doing 7 years ago today.

> I do indeed. Was at 'the office' when the news broke and we were given
> permission to get to the nearest TV and see what had happened. I did. I
> couldn't believe my eyes when the various news services showed the
> footage. (And I don't even live in the USA). I remember
> thinking, "OMG - is this gonna be the start of WWIII?"

We were on the first day of training sessions on a new publishing
suite for the House of Commons publications. Everybody was crowded
into the Hansard area and we had just started when someone who was
looking at the tv said "there's been an accident! A plane crashed
into the World Trade Centre!"

At one point, my daughter called from Toronto and told me to go home
right away (I actually waited 30 minutes...boy was she angry) but
really there was not much risk of danger in Ottawa. A colleague's son
and his wife were in the Pentagon at the time it was "hit", but at the
other end. He got a call sometime soon after, reassuring him that
they were fine.

I remember where I was when we got the news John F. Kennedy was shot
(high school assembly, not called for that reason), when the moon walk
happened (in a rented room on Waverley), when I heard that Mao had
died (in the Montreal metro), when I heard Jacques Brel had died (at
work). The one that affected me most was the death of Jacques Brel.