Do you use MSG?
James Silverton wrote:
> ChattyCathy wrote on Thu, 11 Sep 2008 21:34:01 +0200:
>>> I know it's supposed to be bad for you but it makes my fried
>>> eggs taste soooooooo good.
>> No. I don't use it. Because I don't like it.
>> Apologies in advance if that sounded like criticism of your
>> post. It wasn't. I just don't like MSG.
> Are you sure? Do you never go to Chinese restaurants or other
> Far-Eastern places? It even occurs in some Greek recipes. I've seen it
> in Indian ones, tho' its origin there is sometimes indicated by the
> name "Chinese Salt".
I said *I* don't use it because *I* don't like it - maybe I should have
added 'in my home cooking'? I apologize again.
Chatty Cathy
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