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George Cebulka George Cebulka is offline
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Posts: 113
Default It's official. I'm crossing party lines.

Paul M. Cook wrote:
> "Giusi" > wrote in message
> ...
>> "Omelet" > ha scritto nel messaggio> "Giusi"
>> > wrote:
>>>> "Omelet" > ha scritto nel messaggio
>>>>> And that needs to be changed! It's f-ing BS that American oil gets
>>>>> sold
>>>>> on the commodities market! We need to use American oil in AMERICA and
>>>>> only sell off the excess.
>>>>> We SHOULD have nationalized oil companies!
>>>> that's not only a Socialist take it's like incredibly naive and lacks
>>>> understanding of a free market. US oil IS a commodity. It is bought
>>>> and
>>>> sold on the world market to who will pay. If you make it unavailable on
>>>> the
>>>> free market, then the rest of the world may decide to keep their oil
>>>> from
>>>> the US market. Since the US market is the most wasteful and greedy of
>>>> all,
>>>> that would leave the US with only Alaskan and Texan and Gulf of Mexico
>>>> oil,
>>>> pretty much.
>>>> Better turn everything off, Om, because your solution could flip the
>>>> switch
>>>> for the entire country. You think "What's mine is mine and what's yours
>>>> is
>>>> mine also."
>>> Babe, all I know is that right now, the cost of energy is hurting and
>>> even killing a lot of people.

>> We live in Europe with much higher energy costs. We try hard not to waste
>> energy because it costs too much. There's still a lot to do, but believe
>> me when I say that paying over $4800 a year for heat and lights and
>> minimal car use for a single person is hardly getting a bargain.

> In the Northeast, where I grew up, people still have hugely inefficient oil
> burning heaters. It takes a thousand gallons to get through the winter.
> They haven't even switched to natural gas or propane. They still haven't
> insulated a lot of homes. They could replace their water heaters with super
> efficient on demand heaters but they haven't yet. There is much they can do
> and with energy costs as high as they are maybe they finally will.
> Paul

Hmm, pretty tough to switch to NG when you don;t have gas line nearby.