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Bob Terwilliger[_1_] Bob Terwilliger[_1_] is offline
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Posts: 11,044
Default It's official. I'm crossing party lines.

cyber**** peered into its toilet bowl and prognosticated:

> Vote for McCain and eat it for the next 8 years while Obama turns this
> country around.

It might be good for the country if Obama got elected, since the world
community seems to view him more favorably than it views McCain. But I
believe that there are too many "closet racists" out there for Obama's
candidacy to succeed. For that reason, I don't believe that Obama --
charismatic as he is, EXCEPTIONAL speaker that he is -- will be elected, and
it's childish and stupid to voice your wishful thinking as if it were fact.
*If* Obama wins, then you can crow about his having made history -- but
don't take it for granted that he'll have a particularly successful

I don't see *either* candidate "turning this country around." The corruption
and venality are far too entrenched. McCain just doesn't have it in him to
go after the establishment, and Obama is too weak and favor-indebted to
impose his will on the legions of special interests with their deep pockets
and armies of litigators.
