It's official. I'm crossing party lines.
cyber**** got all vindictive:
>> cyber**** peered into its toilet bowl and prognosticated:
>>> Vote for McCain and eat it for the next 8 years while Obama turns this
>>> country around.
>> It might be good for the country if Obama got elected, since the world
>> community seems to view him more favorably than it views McCain. But I
>> believe that there are too many "closet racists" out there for Obama's
>> candidacy to succeed. For that reason, I don't believe that Obama --
>> charismatic as he is, EXCEPTIONAL speaker that he is -- will be elected,
>> and it's childish and stupid to voice your wishful thinking as if it were
>> fact.
> You're ugly, fat, agressive and vulgar. And I am saving this post to toss
> in your florid face when Obama is elected.
You're stupid, vile, ugly, shit-headed, syphilitic, chancre-ridden, cheap,
flabby-assed, and whorish. Save the post or not; I have no great emotional
stake in either candidate. My personal life will still be happy and my
professional life will still be successful regardless of who wins the
But if Obama loses, you'll be CRUSHED, won't you? Isn't he your Great
Half-Black Hope for the future, with just this ONE SHOT at the Presidency?
Just imagine, ANOTHER four years of Republicans! Talk about "eating it,"
hell, you'll be on your THIRD SERVING!
Bob, enjoying the spectacle of cybercat melting down again