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Bob Terwilliger[_1_] Bob Terwilliger[_1_] is offline
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Posts: 11,044
Default 7 years ago today

cyber**** released an ignorant opinion from its colon:

>> Why would you ask such an utterly irrelevant question?

> It is not irrelevant to suggest that the hatred many nations have for the
> United States was not "oh so carefully cultivated" but created by the
> United States government over decades. Our arrogance in meddling with the
> governments of other nations, particularly smaller, poorer "third world"
> countries knew no bounds for many years. We are not blameless in the chain
> of events that led to the mass murders in the World Trade Center on
> September 11, 2001. Power means responsibility. We should have been
> keeping a closer eye on what our own nation was doing prior to the
> September 11, 2001 massacre.

See what I mean about cyber****'s belief that it has knowledge of world
culture? The media reports on people who hold opinions like that because
controversy equals money for them. Cybercat merely parrots the stupidity it
hears on television, in utter ignorance of the actual cultures involved. Pay
no attention to the ignorance blatted forth so wrongly.

The reason there is a culture of hatred toward the USA can be laid at the
feet of someone cyber**** has never heard of: Sayyid Qutb. Read to learn about the person who made
"jihad" an everyday word, the person generally considered to be the father
of radical Islam.

Hey, cyber****, here's a quote from the guy you should have known about! Of
American men he wrote: "Jazz is his preferred music, and it is created by
Negroes to satisfy their love of noise and to whet their sexual desires"
