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saerah gray saerah gray is offline
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Posts: 463
Default 7 years ago today

Janet Wilder > fnord

> Saerah Gray wrote:
>> "Gregory Morrow" > fnord
>> m:
>>> IIRC Boron is Jewish - she should take a gander at what is said
>>> about Jews - or in fact *any* non - muzlims - at any mosque in her
>>> area...what they spew would make a Julius Streicher orgasm in
>>> gleeful delight.

>> IIRC, so is Janet. As am I. The fact that there is much anti-Jewish
>> rhetoric displayed in the Muslim community has little to do with
>> whether or not people were actually dancing in the streets on 9/11.
>> Being aware that a group of people may be prejudiced against me and
>> mine does not give me the right to be a bigot.

> I reported what eye witnesses had told me. I'm sure we all know of
> things the government has "swept under the rug" over the years.
> I don't think being Jewish has anything to do with this. I made my
> comment as an American who was upset about people enjoying the
> freedoms of our country who rejoiced in the death of their fellow
> Americans.
> That is what upset me the most. IMHO one does not accept the
> hospitality and benefits of living in our wonderful country, even with
> its flaws, and rejoice when it's been attacked.
> The fact that it was only one particular ethnic group that the eye
> witnesses I know reported, probably speaks for itself.

That comment shows how bigoted you are. Even *if* what you heard was
true, it's not justification for acting as if every person of Arabic
descent could not be a loyal and grateful resident/citizen.

If what you say is true, independent news sources would have reported
it. The government is shady, but not as all-powerful as some would have
us believe. I wasted a good half hour last night trying to find
conclusive evidence of Arabs dancing on 9/11 in Paterson (or anywhere
else in the US, for that matter). I found *none*.

Saerah (maybe I'm just bad at googling?)

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