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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default 7 years ago today

Saerah Gray wrote:

> That comment shows how bigoted you are. Even *if* what you heard was
> true, it's not justification for acting as if every person of Arabic
> descent could not be a loyal and grateful resident/citizen.
> If what you say is true, independent news sources would have reported
> it. The government is shady, but not as all-powerful as some would have
> us believe. I wasted a good half hour last night trying to find
> conclusive evidence of Arabs dancing on 9/11 in Paterson (or anywhere
> else in the US, for that matter). I found *none*.

Eye witness accounts and second hand accounts are not always accurate,
and religious affiliation often trumps national patriotism. I was
working in commercial vehicle enforcement at the time and we had planned
a major motor coach inspection initiative in Niagara Falls for Sept.12
in Niagara Falls. There were very few buses there that day. One of the
few drivers there that day was from NYC and told me about his brother in
law being the guy who plummeted down with some wreckage and survived. I
was touched. I had hear about him on the news. Then it turned out to be
a lie, just like the tale in the media about how the hijackers had all
slipped in the US the night before from Canada.

We all take for granted that all Muslims will side with their fellow
Muslims. We have to accept that most Jews will side with Israel, and
that a lot of Christians will side with their churches on issues over
the constitutional provisions.