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saerah gray saerah gray is offline
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Posts: 463
Default 7 years ago today

Janet Wilder > fnord news:48caf48a$0$12371

> Boron Elgar wrote:
>> You're an asshole for believing this rot and a bigger one for
>> spreading it.

> Sorry the truth has upset you so much. I don't lie. The people who had
> the direct experiences did not lie and the relative in the news media
> had no reason to lie.

Then why is it that no independent news sources reported such a thing?

> Since you were not privy to the same first hand information I was, I
> question the veracity of your opinions.
> I also wonder why you are so agitated over my little statements. Are

> protecting terrorists or something like that?

Because if you use *any* person's ethnicity or religion of origin as an
excuse to take away their rights, it hurts all of us. It's WRONG. Your
mother was mistaken, and your "relative in the news media" was *lying to
you*. Why the hell would your mother go on an "outing" in an Arab
neighborhood on 9/11? Was she actually colluding with the terrorists or


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