7 years ago today
Janet Wilder > fnord news:48cb2526$0$1526$c3e8da3
> Saerah Gray wrote:
>> Janet Wilder > fnord news:48caf48a$0$12371
>> :
>>> Boron Elgar wrote:
>>>> You're an asshole for believing this rot and a bigger one for
>>>> spreading it.
>>> Sorry the truth has upset you so much. I don't lie. The people who
>>> the direct experiences did not lie and the relative in the news
>>> had no reason to lie.
>> Then why is it that no independent news sources reported such a
> If you would have read my entire posts, you would have seen where the
> media was banned by the government from reporting it. If the video
> (and I was led to believe that there was video tape) of the people in
> Paterson, NJ celebrating the killing of Americans had been aired,
> thousands of Arab-Americans would have been placed in danger.
Then why did no *independent* news sources report it? You still have not
answered that question.
> ...but you and Boron only read what you want and react with a fixed
> mindset so, I'm not going to bother debating this with either of you
> longer. If you want to think you "won" the debate, I don't really
> I don't lie and the people who told me their first hand experiences
> didn't lie either. They had no reason to lie, just as you have no
> to call them or me a liar.
Yes, there is a reason. Because it's not the truth.
Can you explain how "the government" kept all news sources, both major
and independent from reporting on this, if what you say is actually
"Welcome to Usenet, Biatch! Adapt or haul ass!"
- some hillbilly from FL