For Christine Dabney...
"cybercat" > fnord news:gaf9u3$1pv$1
> "Saerah Gray" > wrote in message
> . 102...
>> Andy <q> fnord :
>>> blake murphy said...
>>>> On Fri, 12 Sep 2008 07:18:58 -0500, Andy wrote:
>>>>> Saerah Gray said...
>>>>>> Andy <q> fnord :
>>>>>>> Sqwertz said...
>>>>>>>> Andy <q> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Christine,
>>>>>>>>> From a long time fan...
>>>>>>>>> My humblest apology for the tragic public post I turned into a
>>>>>>>>> personal public r.f.c. newsgroup mistake.
>>>>>>>> If you're going to make this public, then you need to apologize
>>>>>>>> to the rest of the group, not just Christine, for having to
>>>>>>>> your psychotic rambling(s).
>>>>>>>> -sw
>>>>>>> Mind your own business(sheldon)
>>>>>>> Andy
>>>>>> Dude, you made it our business by posting it in the first place.
>>>>> So what? I made a public mistake and I'm making a public apology.
>>>>> And I get Sheldon and wartz and you mucking up the message. Do you
>>>>> know how infantile you all sound?
>>>>> Andy
>>>> yes, who are these walk-ons to your personal drama? the nerve!
>>>> blake
>>> I tried to right a wrong and you jerkoffs are jumping all over me.
>>> **** YOU and YOU and YOU ALL.
>>> Andy
>> OMG! Andy hates me! What *will* I do?
> What really bothers me is the way you seem to jump on anyone whenever
> several other group members are. It's like a pack mentality.
so I'm supposed to not say anything if other people have responded
first? I can think of plenty of times when I was the only one hashing it
out with another poster about whatever.
"Welcome to Usenet, Biatch! Adapt or haul ass!"
- some hillbilly from FL