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Posts: 62
Default 7 years ago today

cybercat wrote:
> "none" <""Mark\"@(none)"> wrote
>> I live in Washington State, and so when my clock radio woke me that
>> morning, it was an awakening to a changed world. I had never before been
>> fully aware of the true depth of the hatred that some barbarian
>> "civilizations" have oh-so-carefully cultivated toward the US.

> You don't have any friend raised in what we charmingly call "the Third
> World," do you?

This discussion has become distinctly unsavory.
So, in the interest of politeness...

I have friends and acquaintances from many places. My next door neighbor
Ali is from Nigeria, for instance. He came here because he likes it
better here. Nice guy, though his youngest toddler-age kid can be really
REALLY noisy (grin).
Cute kid, though. He keeps doing that "HI!" thing little kids do. He's
so proud of knowing a word in the English language, and he should be! I
know nothing at all of the language of Nigeria, and I'm over 50!
I won't hold it against him that he stole the knob off of the water tap
for my lawn sprinkler for a play-toy, just 'cause.

If someone from whatever you call a "third world country" told me of the
terrible oppression his country had suffered from the US, I would regard
him as I do a co-worker who believes the World Trade Center was blown up
by American conspirators, or the woman who told me she has seen UFOs and
went on to tell me how to tell whether your car's headlights are
reflecting from an ordinary animal's eyes, or those of a Sasquach. Or
perhaps the online discussion elsewhere accusing our military of
disguising explosives as food packets. Or even the work acquaintance who
confided to me the astounding story of cars running on water via the use
of "Brown's Gas". There are a large number of people out there who
believe in such foolishness, probably for the sheer entertainment value
of it.

Go ahead and believe whatever you want.

Me? I let some of my broccoli stay in the garden too long before
harvesting it, and now it has a lot more fiber than one would hope to
find in one's broccoli.