7 years ago today
Saerah Gray wrote:
> none <""Mark\"@(none)"> fnord
> t:
>> cybercat wrote:
>>> "none" <""Mark\"@(none)"> wrote
>>>> I live in Washington State, and so when my clock radio woke me that
>>>> morning, it was an awakening to a changed world. I had never before
>>>> been fully aware of the true depth of the hatred that some barbarian
>>>> "civilizations" have oh-so-carefully cultivated toward the US.
>>> You don't have any friend raised in what we charmingly call "the
>>> Third World," do you?
>> Why would you ask such an utterly irrelevant question?
> Depending on the particular country said person hails from, she has a
> very valid point here.
Not really. If a culture is steeped in hatred, as is radical Islam,
having a friend or acquaintance from that culture recite to me the
propaganda he has heard and sincerely believed throughout his life,
would not cause me to accept his beliefs as factual.
Truth is not discovered through a contest of its popularity, but by
observation of actual events.
Is the United States populated by saints and angels? No.
Are we tyrants oppressing the world? Again, no.
We are people like any other, who enjoy an unusually well-written
Constitution, and we have an enemy who wishes us enslaved or dead. Hey,
that's life I guess.