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TFM®[_2_] TFM®[_2_] is offline
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Default 7 years ago today

"Janet Wilder" > wrote in message
> Saerah Gray wrote:
>> Janet Wilder > fnord news:48caf48a$0$12371
>> :
>>> Boron Elgar wrote:
>>>> You're an asshole for believing this rot and a bigger one for
>>>> spreading it.
>>> Sorry the truth has upset you so much. I don't lie. The people who had
>>> the direct experiences did not lie and the relative in the news media
>>> had no reason to lie.

>> Then why is it that no independent news sources reported such a thing?

> If you would have read my entire posts, you would have seen where the
> media was banned by the government from reporting it. If the video tape
> (and I was led to believe that there was video tape) of the people in
> Paterson, NJ celebrating the killing of Americans had been aired,
> thousands of Arab-Americans would have been placed in danger.
> ...but you and Boron only read what you want and react with a fixed
> mindset so, I'm not going to bother debating this with either of you any
> longer. If you want to think you "won" the debate, I don't really care.
> I don't lie and the people who told me their first hand experiences didn't
> lie either. They had no reason to lie, just as you have no reason to call
> them or me a liar.

Isn't it amazing how a keyboard can be used so effectively as a wedge
between potential friends?

TFM® - remaining neutral.