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Wayne Boatwright Wayne Boatwright is offline
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Default 7 years ago today

On Fri 12 Sep 2008 11:03:54p, told us...

> On Sat, 13 Sep 2008 01:45:09 -0400, TFM®
> > wrote:
>>"sf" wrote in message ...
>>> On Fri, 12 Sep 2008 15:31:51 -0500, "Gregory Morrow"
>>> > wrote:
>>>><sf> wrote:
>>>>> On Fri, 12 Sep 2008 02:13:21 -0400, Stan Horwitz >
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> >A friend of mine who was in the Pentagon at that
>>>>> >time has an interesting story about that day.
>>>>> How could an airplane hit the Pentagon so low and still actually hit
>>>>> it?
>>>>Planes "fly low" and hit things ALL the time...have you ever been to an
>>>> Can you tell us why there are no visible remains of the airplane
>>>>> that supposedly hit the pentagon? Why isn't the hole in the pentagon
>>>>> at least airplane shaped (the way it was on the world towers before
>>>>> they collapsed)?
>>>>Unlike the relatively flimsy WTC the Pentagon is of very sturdy
>>>>construction, fortress - like in fact. That's yer answer...
>>> The hole looks like a tunnel. That plane had to be taxiing to hit it
>>> at a 90° angle. Plus, there is no explanation why the hole is so
>>> round and no airplane debris was found anywhere.

>>Everyone already believes what they will believe for the rest of their
>>lives. Evidence is not enough to change anyone's mind.

> I guess you're right... and I honestly don't care.
> The way the country has been lead racing down the wrong path, I figure
> they got what they voted for - twice. If they choose to elect it a
> third time (and an even worse choice at that)... well, they and their
> children will have to live with the consequences. I'll be dead in due
> time and I won't care.
> sf
> glad not to be anywhere near 21

You and me both! I'm just further along. :-)

Wayne Boatwright

Date: Friday, 09(IX)/12(XII)/08(MMVIII)
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