Food Places You Miss
"val189" > wrote
> On Sep 13, 11:39 pm, "jmcquown" > wrote:
>> Are there any food places you particularly miss? Either because you
>> moved
>> or they closed? Like the 2nd Ave. Deli nearly disappeared.
>> They got too big for their britches, though. Decided to take the show to
>> East Memphis for more office-worker traffic. Oh, for a while everyone
>> was
>> all atwitter - oooh, Buntyns moved! It's in that shopping center!
>> Lasted
>> maybe 4 years. If that. They did some catering gigs for a bit. But in
>> the
>> end there was not enough business to support a business that, had they
>> stayed put, had been around 40 years. Probably would have stuck around
>> another 40. Alas, they got greedy. And then they got gone.
> In Boca Raton in the early eighties there was a Mexican joint called,
> and I'm guessing sort of, Casa Gallardo. Any out of town guests I
> took there loved it too.
Ah, you reminded me of another restaurant I miss. Yes, it was
a chain "Mexican" place, but it was a nice place to go and the
food was good.
Another place I miss was a pizza kitchen with the open kitchen.
Their food was very good, another place you couldn't get into
because it was so popular. I was particularly fond of their
chopped salad, but everything they made was excellent.
Unfortunately, someone didn't pay the taxes they were supposed
to and one day the restaurant was just gone.
We drove by another restaurant we always liked, they had a
fire and they never re-opened, which is a shame. It was a
warm homey fireplace type place that served good standard
food. It was just a comfortable place to go (with one exception,
what is that disgusting stinky spray restaurants use to clean
glass topped tables??? ACK). I liked the mussels in sherry
garlic sauce ... not for the mussels, but for the sauce to dip
bread, I miss that.