Food Places You Miss
jmcquown wrote:
> kilikini wrote:
>> jmcquown wrote:
>>> kilikini wrote:
>>>> jmcquown wrote:
>>>>> Are there any food places you particularly miss? Either because
>>>>> you moved or they closed? Like the 2nd Ave. Deli nearly
>>>>> disappeared.
>>>> Hennessey's boasted about how fresh their meat was and it was
>>>> ground per order, so I knew I could always safely get a RARE
>>>> burger. For toppings, I packed on swiss cheese, bacon, mushrooms,
>>>> sauteed onions, tomato & lettuce. I'd ask for a side of BBQ sauce
>>>> and happily munch on my juicy sandwhich with glazed eyes.
>>> Doesn't it chap you that the food police tell you how your burger
>>> must be cooked?! Granted, I don't want mine to *moo* at me but yes,
>>> rare or medium-rare at the most, please.
>>> Jill
>> I know. Some restaurants still let you order a burger rare, but they
>> always put the * clause at the bottom of the menu; know what I mean?
>> kili
> LOL Schultzie's Supper Club in Wisconsin did the opposite. They had
> the * to indicate they weren't responsible for steaks ordered well
> done!
> Jill
I like that rule better! LOL.