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cshenk cshenk is offline
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Default Rip-offs buying larger/bulk packages?

> wrote

>You also have to take into consideration how much of a particular item
>you actually need. For example, if a gallon of milk is only 50 cents
>more than a half gallon you would think the gallon size is the better
>buy. But if you end up having to throw away most of that gallon of

Very true. One of the big things I've taught Charlotte (age 14) is how to
shop wisely. She gets tested out on it with shopping on a regular basis.
She's got a fairly good sense normally on when it's suitable to get a
smaller size, and when it's better to pay more for a better item. Like deli
meat sliced to order when it's the sale item, vs the prepackaged stuff.

Teaching example: Toilet tissue. She was sure the charmin on sale at 1/2
the price of the Scotts 1,000 sheet would be better. Ok Charlotte. Lets
get a 4 pack of each. The charmin lasted about 4 days. The Scott's lasted
9 and still had a 1/2 roll left (so 10 days) when I shopped again. She got
the Scotts (grin). Then we expanded to explain that Daddy sometimes needs
the super soft so I always have a roll of that in the other bath for him,
and regular use in the other. We ran it all through (pencil and paper, she
needs the math experience) and she 'saved' us 2$ with the Scott's so I let
her use the 2$ for something else she wanted. (asian apple was what what she