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Kathleen[_4_] Kathleen[_4_] is offline
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Default Rip-offs buying larger/bulk packages?

cshenk wrote:

> > wrote
>>You also have to take into consideration how much of a particular item
>>you actually need. For example, if a gallon of milk is only 50 cents
>>more than a half gallon you would think the gallon size is the better
>>buy. But if you end up having to throw away most of that gallon of

> Very true. One of the big things I've taught Charlotte (age 14) is how to
> shop wisely. She gets tested out on it with shopping on a regular basis.
> She's got a fairly good sense normally on when it's suitable to get a
> smaller size, and when it's better to pay more for a better item. Like deli
> meat sliced to order when it's the sale item, vs the prepackaged stuff.
> Teaching example: Toilet tissue. She was sure the charmin on sale at 1/2
> the price of the Scotts 1,000 sheet would be better. Ok Charlotte. Lets
> get a 4 pack of each. The charmin lasted about 4 days. The Scott's lasted
> 9 and still had a 1/2 roll left (so 10 days) when I shopped again. She got
> the Scotts (grin). Then we expanded to explain that Daddy sometimes needs
> the super soft so I always have a roll of that in the other bath for him,
> and regular use in the other. We ran it all through (pencil and paper, she
> needs the math experience) and she 'saved' us 2$ with the Scott's so I let
> her use the 2$ for something else she wanted. (asian apple was what what she
> got).

When I was shopping the other day there was a gentleman with Down's
Syndrome who was obviously struggling with his choice of TP.

I offered him the loan of my pocket calculator and commented that I'd
always found the Scott's 1,000 roll to be the best deal.

I stood there for close to 10 minutes as he worked through his options.
Considered giving him the cheapo-calculator as a gift, but in point of
fact, I'm attached to it.

Finally he handed it back to me with a broad grin, said, "T'ank you",
and tossed a 4-pack of Scott's 1,000 into his cart.

We bring each other along. As a society, that's how we get by.