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saerah gray saerah gray is offline
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Posts: 463
Default Welfare babies,

Wayne Boatwright > fnord

> On Sun 14 Sep 2008 03:53:54p, Saerah Gray told us...
>> So children should starve because their parents can't or won't get a
>> job?

> No, the children should be taken away from them and put up for
> adoption. The kids shouldn't have parent(s) who won't provide for
> them, and the parent(s) shouldn't be allowed to keep them.

Wayne, if the children go into the (already bursting at the seams)
foster care system, the government is still paying out money to those
who raise them. Not everyone on welfare goes on it when their child is
born; are you insinuating that the working class should be disallowed
from having children?

If I lost my job, the likelihood that I would be able to find another
with equal pay and benefits would be very slim. Granted, I have family
who would either help me out financially until I could find a comparable
job, or at least offer me a place to live with my daughter, but if not
fot that, I would be forced to apply for aid. Yes, some people abuse
they system. But saying that there should be no safety net in a country
as well-to-do as ours is, and that people who find themselves in
unfortunate situations, often beyond their control, should have their
children taken from them, is horrific, to say the least. What's next, 'A
Modest Proposal" ?


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- some hillbilly from FL