On Sun, 14 Sep 2008 15:23:29 -0700 (PDT), pops >
>I'm heading to Austin with a day or so to spare and a car towards the
>end of the month. I think I already know a lot of the Q places where I
>could go eat (I'm from Seattle, so any genuine Texas BBQ is a treat)
>but I'm looking for places I could go where I could see as many high
>end smokers as possible. I'm looking for tips on how they're designed
>as I have a 24x60" air tank waiting to be made into a smoker.
>It's pretty easy to find places on the Web that talk about how to cook
>BBQ. Places where they discuss matters of smoker design intelligently
>are much fewer.
>Grant Erwin
>posting from google due to Verizon's abysmal ignorance of reality
Yep, you're from Seattle, and we all's supposed to get together
sometime! (you, Denny and me)
Say when and where and how--feel free to email me as my addie is