Welfare babies,
Wayne Boatwright > fnord
> When I lost my job in 2002, I couldn't even get medical assistance
> through the state's program, which I sorely needed. The reason?
> Because I was single, had no children, and owned a 10 year old car!
> Don't even begin to try to tell me that I was less deserving or that
> this was fair, when some people who have never worked a day in their
> life go trailing into the welfare office with five or eight kids and
> get everything under the sun, including absolutely free medical care.
> I don't have a solution, but I will clearly state that the welfare
> system is seriously ****ed up.
I want to add here that I think *everyone* is deserving of basic
healthcare, if they need it, employed or not. I think it is a disgrace
that every citizen does not have access to a doctor for preventative
care, causing people to get sicker, as well as costing taxpayers more
money in the long run.
It's certainly no less reasonable then the government giving me a break
on my taxes because I decided to reproduce or finance a home.
I feel very, very privileged to have low-cost health insurance provided
to me by my employer.
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- some hillbilly from FL