Wayne Boatwright > fnord
> On Sun 14 Sep 2008 08:56:25p, Saerah Gray told us...
> Saerah, I refuse to discuss this further. We are at an impass.
> Let's get back to food.
> Tonight was burgers grilled with Worcestershire Sauce, granulated
> garlic, and cracked black pepper, topped with semi-melted blue cheese,
> onion slices, and lettuce. Served with fresh-cut french fries and
> sliced tomatoes. Coca Cola cake for dessert.
I made a chicken stir-fry thing with broccoli and mushrooms and an
orange-ginger sauce.
I also made a chicken pot pie for tomorrow.
Coca-cola cake sounds interesting
"Welcome to Usenet, Biatch! Adapt or haul ass!"
- some hillbilly from FL