Welfare babies,
"aem" > wrote in message
On Sep 14, 5:47 pm, Boron Elgar > wrote:
> On Sun, 14 Sep 2008 17:20:09 -0700 (PDT), aem >
> wrote:
> >On Sep 14, 3:47 pm, Boron Elgar > wrote:
> >> There are a lot of media popularized myths about welfare and those who
> >> receive it. You might want to read up on them here. This is from the
> >> American Psychological Society. [snip the rest without reading]
> >I rarely participate in these threads, but I take occasional quick
> >looks at them. This strikes me as one of the funniest things I've
> >seen. You ask Wayne to set aside his ignorant, unthinking positions
> >long enough to read something and (impliedly) learn something from a
> >reputable source?! Wayne?! Too funny..... -aem
>> Who implied that Wayne was ignorant or unthinking? Are you insane as
>> well as stupid?
>Wayne's posts, that you're replying to, demonstrate that he's ignorant
>and unthinking. I was chortling at the futility of your trying to get
>him to read and learn. -aem
He really, really is. This dumb **** who just had to have someone give him
charity to repair his AC. He's killfiled for good, now.