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Wayne Boatwright Wayne Boatwright is offline
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Posts: 1,294
Default Welfare babies,

On Sun 14 Sep 2008 10:39:28p, Leonard Blaisdell told us...

> In article > ,
> Saerah Gray > wrote:
>> If you needed medical attention that badly, you could have gone to the
>> emergency room; that is the option for many without health insurance.
>> They cannot refuse you treatment.

> If you have nothing, what you have just said is true. If you've been
> struggling your whole life to build assets, you can go bankrupt in the
> blink of an eye without health insurance and even with it if it's not
> comprehensive (and it isn't nowadays). If you have nothing, you spend
> nothing. If you have assets and a work ethic, you lose everything. Then
> you are on equal footing to someone who has never worked. You have
> nothing. They never had anything. You're the same by government
> standards.
> leo

I had a 10 year old car that was paid for. I was living in a rented house.
When I went for an interview to apply for AHCCCS (Arizona medical coverage)
and, possibly, food stamps, (I didn't apply for any other types of
assistance) I was told I didn't qualify. I was also told that I would have
to sell my car and move to a "low rent" apartment, to *possibly* qualify.

As far as I was concerned, that was an untenable and unacceptable solution.
Giving up my own transportation would have made it virtually impossible to
get to job interviews given the location where I lived. I didn't have
enough money to either put down a security deposit on an apartment nor
enough money to move my belongings.

The end result was bankruptcy to preserve what few things I did have of any
value, which could not be easily disposed of for monetary gain.

Wayne Boatwright

Date: Sunday, 09(IX)/14(XIV)/08(MMVIII)
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A mind is a terrible thing to ... er
... hmmmm?