Welfare babies,
In article > ,
Saerah Gray > wrote:
> Wayne Boatwright > fnord
> 5.247:
> >
> > No more welfare. Work or starve.
> >
> So children should starve because their parents can't or won't get a job?
> I certainly have issues with they way AFDC and similar programs work, but
> getting rid of all "welfare" entirely is not right, especially when many of
> us benefit from programs with similar ideals (mainly in the form of tax
> benefits for individuals and corporations, the bulk of "welfare" spending).
> Under the same logic you espouse, we should not have tax credits for having
> a child, paying a mortgage, or programs like Medicare, Medicaid, and Social
> Security.
I don't have a problem with providing welfare for those that really need
it, but when it becomes a generational thing, the system is broken.
I'm not a far right conservative. ;-)
I do have compassion for those that need help.
I have no compassion for lazy sponges.
Peace! Om
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