Welfare babies,
In article >,
"Cheryl" > wrote:
> "Dave Smith" > wrote in message
> ...
> > Another thing that sounds good in theory. You will probably find that most
> > people that end up strung out on drugs got into them because they already
> > had too much spare time on their hands. Most people who are gainfully
> > employed and have other activities on the side don't have time for getting
> > wasted.
> >
> Dave, I'm not trying to isolate your post from the rest of some of what is
> disgusting me, but I couldn't stay silent anymore. We are the fortunate
> ones. We may not be rich, but we don't have to steal or sell drugs or
> resort to crime to survive. Maybe some of us did at one time but have
> pulled out of it now. Maybe that's why we're angry at those still taking.
> I prefer to think of it as a loan. No, they might not pay it back. The
> ones who abuse the system are the ones you think of when the word "welfare"
> comes up. Not everyone is abusing it. Some are stuck in unfortunate
> circumstances beyond their control. Some can't get health care through a
> legitimate job and have kids to think of.
> Ugh... I'm done. I just got sad reading some of the posts in this thread
> where most of you posting think people who are poor are that way by choice.
> And that we're not supposed to help them. We ARE supposed to help them. "
> ... there but for the grace of God go I ..."
Cheryl, I have no issues with helping people. The issues I have are with
those that don't try... Those that are on 3rd generation or more of
I know that not all welfare recipients are like that, but the few tend
to ruin a good system for the many. :-(
I give away a good 10% of my net income to help both family members and
the family of a good friend that I pay to do housecleaning I could do
I'm not without compassion.
Peace! Om
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