Why do we falme factory brined meat?
In article >, Walt Lewis
> wrote:
> Maybe I'm asking for it but I see so many posts saying " I won't buy
> so and so's pork/chicken etc because it is injected!!"
> I ask because we often sing the praises of brining -- best damned
> turkey I've ever made!!-- yet complain if the factory does it for us.
> Sure we're paying a ton for a bit of salt, but it saves me a day of
> prep.
> Easy on me, please?
The main sinners in the brined meat department are big companies. You
can buy from local vendors and small producers and get better (but not
always cheaper) meat.
The brine recipes touted here are spiced and flavored to enhance the
taste, commercial stuff ain't. Home made brine will also lack some of
the nasties the commercial goop has, unless you have erythorbate handy
in Your Kitchen.
Once a piece is initially brined, it's nearly impossible to re-brine it
with a home made better tasting brine. Brining is something you do once
- need to do it right the first time
Pork from a farm butchered hog is well worth looking for and paying
extra for.
monroe(buy local-buy small)