Thread: Indian taco
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Lynn from Fargo Lynn from Fargo is offline
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Default Indian taco

On Sep 15, 7:27*am, Saerah Gray > wrote:
> Orlando Enrique Fiol > . net:
> > wrote:
> >>Today was the first time since I left New Mexico that I've seen Indian
> >>fry bread on a restaurant menu. Today I had an Indian taco that I
> >>didn't have to make myself. Wahoooo!!!!

> > Every dish in this world is not put here to satisfy your convenience

> and
> > curiosity. If you actually ask Native Americans about fry bread,

> you'll
> > find that it never was a part of their historical diet until white
> > settlers and the federal government forced them on to reservations

> where
> > they could not hunt or farm as they once did. There, they were given

> the
> > most essential foodstuffs, from which fry bread was born. Now, does

> that
> > sound like something worth celebrating? It's not particularly

> nutritious
> > or healthy for native people to consume in large quantities, yet you
> > find it cute.

> You could say the same for much of "soul food".
> It might not be so good for you, or historically traditional, but
> frybread is awesome. I am sure that many of us are aware of how the dish
> came about. There is nothing wrong with enjoying a dish that was
> invented out of necessity.
> --
> Saerah
> "Welcome to Usenet, Biatch! *Adapt or haul ass!"
> - some hillbilly from FL


Ever wondered why the first Native American food white people from
Arizona to Michigan taste is "fry bread"? It seems to be indigenous
in many First Nation cultures.In the early 1900s when commodity food
was doled doled out (sparingly) by the US Gov't to Native Americans
they got white flour, salt, sugar and lard. About the only thing you
can make with those ingredients is fried dough. (OK there were
probably beans too)

I THINK the Native Americans in the southwest [Navajo, Hopi etc.] may
have introduced the chiles much later along with commodity cheese .

I love fry bread. Why not? It's the four things in the world I'm
supposed to shun like plague: pork fat, white flour, white sugar and
salt. WHY is that stuff so good?

Lynn in Fargo
Likes fry bread sundaes
(still warm sugar dusted fry bread with ice cream and hot fudge)