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Omelet[_7_] Omelet[_7_] is offline
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Default cooking with olive oil

In article >,
"Michael \"Dog3\"" > wrote:

> Janet Baraclough >
> : in
> > There's an Italian shop in our nearest city which just sells olive
> > oils and vinegars, and they have a counter where you can taste samples
> > by dipping in a bit of bread. When you sample a whole range of oils
> > like that the differences in scent and flavour are really noticeable.

> Some of the stores around here offer a wide variety of olive oils and
> vinegars. I haven't really experimented much with the olive oils. There is
> a huge price range on the different oils too.
> Michael

You can make your own vinegars. :-) It's actually quite fun. I still
need to send sf another vinegar "mother". I'm waiting for colder

Right now, I have 1 gallon of apple cider vinegar brewing, and will play
with the fresh herbs in my herb garden. I've been cooking with vinegar a
lot more lately as I've found it "brightens" the flavor of various
steamed veggies. It's good on some meats too in very small amounts.

It extracts herbal flavor nicely too from fresh herbs, or even dry.
Peace! Om

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