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Janet Wilder[_1_] Janet Wilder[_1_] is offline
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Default Ants In The Kitchen

Nancy2 wrote:
> On Sep 13, 1:58 pm, Mark Thorson > wrote:
>> I suppose I should consider myself lucky that it's been
>> a couple years since the last invasion. They used to be
>> much more frequent.
>> I've never used insecticide. The last time I saw someone
>> use Raid, it seemed spectacularly ineffective. The ants
>> were swimming around in the stuff. On the other hand,
>> I once stopped an ant trail in the bathroom by spraying
>> Tilex tile cleaner on it. It killed the ants instantly
>> and the residue kept them from rebuilding the trail.
>> I might try that again, if I decide to go nuclear.
>> Right now, I'm trying to knock down the invasion by hosing
>> down the ant trail on the outside of the house every couple
>> of hours. That works during the day, but they build it up
>> again at night. Ants don't appear to sleep.
>> Any other tactical suggestions cheerfully accepted.

> I had some great ant poison - even killed carpenter ants - you put
> little drops on the provided squares, and put them in window sills,
> etc.
> I absolutely cannot remember the name of the stuff.
> I have used the Ortho Max defense around the outside perimeter of my
> house, with good results on earwigs.
> Apparently, aspertame works .... do some googling. ;-)

When we lived in the RV, we would put Bon Ami cleanser around the tires,
hoses and such (everything touching the ground) and the ants would not
come through it to get into the trailer.

People have used other cleansers like Comet and Ajax, but I always felt
a bit guilty about putting chlorine bleach on the ground. Bon Ami
doesn't have bleach and is usually cheaper in the dollar stores anyway.

Janet Wilder
Bad spelling. Bad punctuation
Good Friends. Good Life