Ya Cant Beat BEANS
Im trying to get my choldesterol down...sigh...and with that in mind,
have started having salmon-grilled -on-top of Romaine-with fat-free
dressing at least two nights a week, plus two nights of "Just Beans".
I start with any kind of dried beans, bring them to a boil, cover and
turn off the heat. Let them come to room temp, then drain. I like to
put them into my Crock Pot at this point, add a couple cups of Beef
Stock (low sodium), cover and let cook on the HI setting for about four
hours with salt and pepper.
During the last hour or so, I cut up a small onion and saute in 2 tbs.
or so of olive oil til tender. Add the onion to the beans and....YUM.
A splash of HOT sauce doesnt hurt, either.
I (being a Southerner) would have thought that beans cooked without that
big ole greasy ham hock would really suck....but nope. My beans are