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Kathleen[_4_] Kathleen[_4_] is offline
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Default rec: Vitrogan Pudding

Jean B. wrote:

> Not crossposted. This seems to be a good followup to the discussion of
> organ meat, which some of us were having recently.
> The eds. say that they "recognized this dish as an English Haggis, made
> fit to appear in good society under the more pleasing name". "Vitrogan"
> comes from "Vital Organs".
> Vitrogan Pudding
> Source: American Cookery, April 1934, page 564.
> Formatted etc. by Jean B.
> 1 lamb heart, in half-inch slices
> 2 lamb kidneys, in half-inch slices
> 1/2 lamb liver, in half-inch cubes
> 1 lb bacon, which has been run through a food chopper
> 2 eggs, well beaten
> 2 c rolled and sifted stale crumbs
> 1/2 c butter, melted
> 1 tsp salt
> 1/2 tsp pepper
> a little water or stock, if necessary
> boiled rice
> Mix the meats, egg, crumbs, butter and salt. This should be the
> consistency of a thick batter. Add a bit of water or stock if necessary.
> Line a 2-quart mold with rice. Pour in the meat mixture, cover [I
> think--that direction was in an odd place] and bake in a slow oven, or
> steam, for two hours. Unmold on a platter and surround by... The
> suggestions seemed arbitrary and odd--so surround with whatever seems
> appropriate in the vegetable realm.
> "This recipe should both look and taste good enough for a feast." Any
> takers? :-)

Anything but the kidneys.

My mother became enamored of some sort of Brit recipe and decided to
cook kidneys.

I don't know what if anything she did wrong but the entire house reeked
of **** and although I noticed she was pushing her own portion around
her plate, she tried to force the rest of us to finish ours.

Yeah, right.

The dogs had a big supper that night, although we had to stop them from
rolling in it before consumption.