Thread: Austin?
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frohe[_2_] frohe[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 91
Default Austin?

On Sep 14, 4:23*pm, pops > wrote:
> Places where they discuss matters of smoker design intelligently
> are much fewer.

Sorry, I gotta laff. Intelligent design?? You'll get as many
different answers from as many folks as you ask about what a good pit
looks like. My only concern would be capacity. If I was going to
cook for a bunch of folks, then a big pit would be my answer. If, on
the other hand, if I was only cooking for say 3-5 folks, a WSM would
do me just fine.

As TFM said, design is irrelevant. I cook in a horizontal 55 gallon
drum. It's not the prettiest nor fanciest smoker you'll find; it's
leaky and uses more lump than some would be happy about but I know how
to turn out kick ass Q my family and friends love, so I'm happy.
