Thread: Indian taco
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Orlando Enrique Fiol Orlando Enrique Fiol is offline
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Posts: 886
Default Indian taco

>Ever wondered why the first Native American food white people from
>Arizona to Michigan taste is "fry bread"? It seems to be indigenous
>in many First Nation cultures.

Only as far back as the early twentieth century. The least our federal
government could have done after stealing these people's lands was give
them the kinds of foods they were accustomed to eating.

>In the early 1900s when commodity food
>was doled doled out (sparingly) by the US Gov't to Native Americans
>they got white flour, salt, sugar and lard. About the only thing you
>can make with those ingredients is fried dough.

I don't know about you, but celebrating that unfortunate period of
history doesn't seem fun to me.

>I love fry bread. Why not? It's the four things in the world I'm
>supposed to shun like plague: pork fat, white flour, white sugar and
>salt. WHY is that stuff so good?

Because you're supposed to shun it. Guaranteed, if you had to eat fry
bread every day because there was nothing else, you'd hate it.
