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saerah gray saerah gray is offline
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Posts: 463
Default rec: Vitrogan Pudding

Blinky the Shark > fnord
> Saerah Gray wrote:
>> Blinky the Shark > fnord
>> news >>
>>> Saerah Gray wrote:
>>>> Lynn from Fargo > fnord
>>>> news:127417ea-c07a-4f4e-9ee8-
>>>> :
>>>>> On Sep 15, 8:31*pm, Lynn from Fargo > wrote:
>>>>>> ========================
>>>>> => I'd eat that. *And I think two hours is not so long since it is
>>>> oven
>>>>>> steamed. English "boiled dinner" (cubes of meat and potato in a
>>>>>> thick suet pudding/pastry crust takes hours to steam).
>>>>>> Hmmm Saerah, If you won't eat the kidney how about the liver?
>>>>>> Lynn from Fargo
>>>>>> Don't even ASK about the suet pudding ;-)
>>>>> ===========================
>>>>> PS: Och! Haggis hae oats in it. Don't ya know lassie?
>>>>> Lynn in Fargo
>>>>> Doing a Highland Fling
>>>> I like haggis. Though I have only had the canned kind, I would
>>>> totally be up for preparing it if I could find a group of folks who
>>>> would eat it
>>> My buddy used to have a grilf with ties to Scotland. He visited

>>> with her. When he asked about haggis, he was told that it was
>>> something they sold to tourists.

>> It's good! Of course, I grew up with chopped liver (and liked it), so
>> the idea of other organs doesn't squick me out so much. You can't get
>> "real" haggis here in the US, though, unless you own a sheep and
>> slaughter it yourself.

> I've never knowingly had kidneys or lungs. I've enjoyed livers and
> gizzards and hearts. I'm probably missing something obvious, there.

Lungs are illegal to be sold in the US.


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